Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Fall Colors in Southern Colorado

Yesterday was one of those perfect autumn days and we took a drive up above Rye. The aspen trees in the national forest are clinging to some golden leaves, and the Gambel oaks are turning red! These first two pictures were taken near Lake Isabel.

The next set of pictures were taken here at the nursery. The best red foliage in this area comes from our native currant and from Virginia creeper. Despite the name, Virginia creeper is native, too.  Deer don't bother either of them.

There are some flowers still blooming, too. Russian sage has been blooming for months. Helenium autumnale started blooming in late summer, and, living up to its name, it's still blooming in autumn. 

Hope you get a chance to check out the colors of the season, it's beautiful out there.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Mid June in the Garden

Asclepias speciosa with painted butterfly.

We're gradually uncovering the gardens that have been so neglected the last few years. And things are blooming!
Allium caeruleum

Coreopsis --The Pink One

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Hummingbird at Lonicera 'Major Wheeler'

One of the best plants we've ever planted for our hummingbirds. Long-blooming and "mostly" deer resistant.

Monday, June 1, 2020

June 1

Hello all, and welcome! 
This is our new website that will replace our pfplants.com website.  We are looking for a simpler (and free) method to communicate our love for plants and birds and all of the natural world. It's the beginning of a new chapter!

Chasing Sheep

 Just our morning aerobic exercise.