We are growing and selling plants this year, but only as a wholesale grower. You can find our plants at the following locations:
Fox's Garden Supply: 329 South Santa Fe Avenue, Pueblo
Peppers and Petals: 2115 Santa Fe Drive, Pueblo
The Horticultural Art Society's Gigantic Spring Sale: May 7 & 8 and May 14 & 15: 224 Mesa Road Colorado Springs
SHED Sale: Saturday, May 8 at Pueblo Fairgrounds in the Palace of Agriculture (use Beulah Ave gate to enter) 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
L & M Ranch, 198 County Road 440, La Veta, Colorado. They are opening their farm stand on May 27th, where they will be selling plants of native wildflowers, perennials, vegetables and herbs. This is a beautiful spot, worth a trip to La Veta! For more information check out their website: L & M Ranch
Rocky Mountain Chapter of North American Rock Garden Society: Saturday, May 22 at the Apex Center in Arvada. It is called the Simms Street Recreation Center. 11706 West 82nd Ave. Arvada CO.